Nanowrimo Kick Off Event

Wednesday, November 16:00—8:00 PMLecture HallDover Public Library61 Locust St., McConnell Center, Dover, NH, 03820

Join us for a National Novel Writing Month Kick Off Event on November 01, 2023 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Dover Public Library.

The first 30 participants will receive a Nanowrimo themed goodie bag with novel writing supplies (notebooks, novel writing prep sheets, and other writerly treats) and have a chance to win several novel writing prizes, such as a copy of Nanowrimo founder, Chris Baty's book "No Plot, No Problem", "Ready, Set, Novel! a writers workbook to plan and plot your upcoming masterpiece", and more.

Food will be provided.  Feel free to bring your laptop, typewriter, or clay tablets and your noveling notes, your detailed outline, or your seat of the pants energy for a kickoff writing party where participants can work on their novels together and try out word wars, writing sprints, and start filling up their Nanowrimo Bingo Cards.

All writers are welcome to join this event, although it will be best for teens and adults.

No Registration Required